Monday, August 23, 2010


Last Friday we enjoyed a warm summer night with our good friends the Donahoos. We swam in the pool enjoyed some cool beverages and then grilled some great burgers. After dinner we grabbed a halter and went into the pasture and introduced Ethan to Uno one of their horses.

Ethan LOVES horses, and I'm pretty sure that it has been one of his first words (other than Ot Oh). It's funny when he says it though because it just sounds like SSSSSEE.

He was not at all afraid and loved sitting bareback on top of Uno.

He even shared a kiss with Chief, their other horse.

I definitely see a little cowboy in our future....

not that he has much choice.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Over the weekend we enjoyed a visit from one of our bestest friends Sarah and her little man Brody! We were so excited to see them. Brody was born in February and this was the first opportunity that we've had to meet him!

I can't believe that he's almost 6 months old already. He is the cutest and such a sweet boy.

Ethan enjoyed sharing his exersaucer and showing him how to chew/spin all of the toys on it.

Reading books :)

I can't wait till these two are a little bit older. I know that they are gonna be running buddies! I can already imagine all the trouble they're gonna get into.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Last weekend my cousin Julie and her family came to visit us. We were very happy to have them visit. It's been a couple months since we last saw them when we were down in San Antonio and this was only the second time they'd been to our house. Her girls Brooklyn & Addison played all evening with Ethan, and they all had a really great time with each other.
After dinner they enjoyed some popsicles.

This was Ethan's first freeze pop and he LOVED it.
He got very frustrated with me when I would take it from him to push it up more.

After the popsicles they all played on the drive way with all of the ride on toys we own.

Before coming in for the night Zack hooked up our wagon to the back of the lawn mower and took the kids for a ride.
He was our resident Carney Man!

After popsicles and playing hard it was bath time!

Even though it was a short visit, we crammed in a lot of fun and really enjoyed having the Wiley's come see us. We are definitely looking forward to more visits!!