Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Love a Parade

One of the things I love about a small town are the parades.
Yesterday we went to Comanche for the Rodeo Parade. Zack and his brother Clay were asked to ride in the parade because their mother Karen had been named as the honorary parade marshal. She was being recognized for all her years of work organizing the numerous parades and for her work with the Chamber of Commerce. It was a very special way to remember her and all she did. Zack and Clay rode and ponied a riderless horse in honor of their mom.

Ethan had a great time watching the floats and we waved to the all of the float riders. The parade was full of "royalty" including the Rodeo Queen and Princess, the Peanut Princess from Gorman, the Peach and Melon Queen from DeLeon, and the royal court from Dublin (I can't remember what festival they represented). You gotta love small towns!

Like all good parades the float riders threw candy and Ethan enjoyed his first lollipop!

After the parade Ethan enjoyed climbing around on the porch of "Old Cora" which was the first Court House in Comanche. It's a really neat log cabin with porches, a dog trot, and a lot of history.

All in all it was a great Saturday and we really enjoyed the parade and hometown visit!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Hill Country 4th of July

We headed to the Hill Country to spend the holiday weekend. We met up with Uncle Clay & Aunt Marcy in Fredericksburg, and spent Saturday walking down Main St. checking out the fun stores. Ethan enjoyed a $.50 pony ride on the side walk and entertained some of the other shoppers.

Ride 'em Cowboy!

Sunday we headed to Luckenbach for the Live Free & Fly concert. We listened to some awesome musicians including Walt & Tina Wilkins, The Mystiqueros, Jason Eady, Jimmy Davis, Mike Blakely, Kevin Higgins and Barbara Malteze, Brian Langlinais, Austin Mayse, and Bill Worrell.
Walt & Tina Wilkins

Being in Luckenbach definitely brought back some memories! The beautiful thing about Luckenbach is that time stands still. No matter how much time passes between visits you can guarantee that things will be the same. My first trip to Luckenbach was during my Freshman year at A&M and then that summer my roommates & I headed back to Luckenbach for
Willie Nelson's 4th of July picnic!

This 4th of July was a little more tame than that one, but none the less we had a blast!!
Here are some pics from the afternoon.

Happy 4th of July!

God Bless the USA

Keepin Cool

Thursday, July 1, 2010

First Steps!

So finally at 13 months 10 days Ethan took his first steps! I had to laugh because I had just gotten off the phone with my mom telling her how he just wasn't taking any steps on his own and maybe after he got the tubes in his ears next week he would start walking. Once again he proved me wrong! I set him down and he was off...a little wobbly but "walking" none the less :) Sorry the video is sideways I can't for the life of me figure out how to rotate it!